Anyone can and is invited to serve - where do you belong?
There is no one “type” of volunteer. Some people volunteer because the cause has deep meaning to them. Some volunteer to meet people, develop or share their skills, create a network, join a group that is “doing” something and making a difference or because they know someone in the group and were asked to join. Whatever your reason, commitment level and skill set we are glad you are here.
When trying to find your place in a volunteer organization it helps to not only be aware of why you volunteer, but what motivates you. There are all sorts of surveys out there to help you self identify, but this is a pretty quick one to get you started.
So now that you know why you are here and what “type” of volunteer you are, how can you engage?
It turns out there are many ways you can take ACTION within our club. Keep reading to see what matches your interest and availability best. Let's start with the things that don’t take a lot of time:
Take a look at our open volunteer positions mentioned in this newsletter. If you know someone who can help us out in any of these areas, ask them to join our club and lend a hand.
Write a Human Trafficking related article for the Newsletter and send it to: Please be clear that you are submitting it for consideration for the Newsletter.
Share ideas for speakers, fundraising, and non-profits we might want to partner with. Send ideas to
Share some of our YouTube videos on your social media channels to help educate others and raise awareness.
Make a donation to our Foundation. These funds will be dedicated to projects that the club picks. If you are not able to use PayPal email to make a donation.
Share information on Human Trafficking related success stories or upcoming events that we can include on our website and in our Newsletter. Send them to:
If you have more time, please join one of our committees. Previous experience is NOT required.
The Fundraising committee plans and organizes all of our fundraising efforts.
The PR committee creates and maintains all of our public relations material. This includes our websites, social media, print and electronic collateral. This is a great opportunity to either take on 1 project or area or jump in and assist with the strategic vision. Meets once a week.
The Membership committee is responsible for organizing and coordinating membership efforts as they pertain to recruitment and retention of volunteers.
The Programs & Projects committee reviews and recommends non-profits and programs for our club to endorse or work with on a project. Meets once a month.
The Speakers committee selects and coordinates the speakers for our General Meetings. Meets once a month.
The Foundation Board approves spending from the Club’s Foundation. It has limited membership. Meets as needed, but about once a quarter.
If you want more information on any committee please email and we will connect you with the appropriate committee chair.
If you have even more time, consider taking on a leadership role. Step up to chair a committee, join our Executive Board or become a Teammate lead on a project we roll out at the local level. Again, previous experience is NOT required. If you want more information email
Moving intention into Action,