Made up of a diverse group of motivated members from all over the globe, our club is well positioned to take Action and make a difference. And that is exactly what we will be focusing on this year. How We will Take Action. How You will Take Action. How we will inspire Others to Take Action. It is time that each and every one of us shifts our intention into Action. With that, we will ask those at our July 14th meeting to verbalize their commitment by taking the following oath authored by our own Matt Friedman, but you are welcome to say the words now!
“I have heard about the 40 million men, women, and children who are in forced prostitution and forced labor and want to declare that I consider this to be a terrible crime against humanity. I will do whatever I can to learn more about this important issue and pass this information on to raise vital awareness. I will pass on this message to those in my family, workplace, and community, and commit myself to helping in whatever way I can. I will do my part to be there for those languishing in modern slavery who are in great need.”
And, as is true with any Action plan, accountability matters. To that end, we invite you to share what Action you intend to take, and then let us know when you have succeeded! For those not sure where to start. Don’t worry! Attend our club meetings, join our Facebook group, or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to share and get ideas. Actions big and small. Those you can take individually and those we will make happen as a club. We are in this together!
Next month’s President’s letter will focus on how we can get this Done in a Day - the power of small Actions.
Moving intention into Action,
Michelle Seets
Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking President, 2022-2023